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Playing it safe is an action highly debated in our world. Do we risk it all, or do we continue down the path of safe travels? When it comes to playing it safe in the workplace, there is no room for risk. One hazard has the ability to completely change the outcome of someone’s life, and at Mermet we take seriously the responsibility to continuously improve and make our workplace the safest it can possibly be. When you think of someone who embodies this way of cautious thinking at Mermet, none other comes to mind than Charlene Prysock.
Before she became a crucial member of the inspection team, Charlene began her Mermet career in the weaving room and over time formed an intricate understanding of the manufacturing process involved with weaving our fabrics. It was Charlene’s weaving experience which motivated her to join Mermet’s safety committee - made up of employees across every department devoted to safety in our facility. “There were things that with some change could make the weaving process safer and more efficient,” Charlene told us. Her knowledge and experience with weaving production allowed her to recognize pivotal opportunities for improvement. These proved to be key discussion points at safety committee meetings - and with each meeting Charlene became an important figure in the safety culture at Mermet.
When asked about what safety means to her, Charlene told us “It means everything. Safety is all day, every day - you always have to stay on your guard.” She maintains a very collective outlook on the subject. If you’re being safe, then everyone else feels safer in their shared environment and it’s imperative to pay it forward in this way. It was this very mindset that encouraged Charlene to become a first responder. “I wanted to help others - to step up and learn.” The process of becoming a first responder is very thorough and detailed with challenging tests to keep you alert - giving you the confidence to know what to do in a stressful situation.
Not only did becoming a first responder make Charlene feel safer at work, it gave her the confidence to know what to do in an emergency at home. Just like safety in the workplace, quality time with family at home is a high priority for Charlene. She loves to host family gatherings, cook savory soul food and make those around her feel their absolute best. Keeping your work family safe is one thing, but keeping your family at home is another. Being able to protect her loved ones at home means a lot to Charlene, and becoming a first responder has aided with that tremendously.
As we pass through National Safety Month, let us take a moment to appreciate those who are committed to keeping others safe. May we all strive to be like Charlene and so many others who place the utmost importance on securing our daily processes. For more information about National Safety Month and how to get involved, click HERE.