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Acoustic Performance

As architecture and design evolve, more demand can be seen for obtaining creative solutions for occupancy comfort. In designing for commercial projects, architects often consider thermal and visual comfort for the occupant by attempting to control heat and light levels. However, there is another factor that is quickly gaining traction in the industry—noise control. Architects have designed around acoustics for years in regard to stadiums, theaters, and concert halls where the intent is to enhance the sound quality in order for the occupant to have an enjoyable experience. However, designing with acoustics for the intent to increase occupancy comfort and reduce unwanted noise has been neglected in a number of modern applications such as commercial buildings. Unwanted sound can cause stress, particularly in situations involving occupants who are hard of hearing or in environments where intelligible conversation is imperative such as classrooms, offices, lecture halls, and conference rooms. Additionally, environments that are naturally high traffic areas, such as canteens and restaurants, should take into account the amount of conversational and background noise that is likely to be encountered. Predominantly noisy environments can be unpleasant for patrons when the acoustical performance of the environment is not taken into consideration. An effective way to design with acoustical performance in mind is by utilizing materials that can aid in noise reduction. The intent of this article is to explain the terms associated with acoustical performance, define what types of materials enhance this performance, and explain how to determine the correct material and application for a specific project.

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Soothing aesthetics!
Read all about this acoustical installation.